Saturday, October 13, 2012

Personal Critique of Kitchen Project

Upon further reflection and research, I found that resins should not be placed near extreme heat, so I would remove the tortoise reed resin from the backsplash and run it vertically from the kitchen to the ceiling. This is double duty as it solves my dilemma of that blank wall. The width of the door is incorrectly drawn on the floor plan; the 36” width is not represented correctly. I’m wondering if my color choices will make the occupant feel like they’re living in a honeycomb. I extended the wall between the bedroom and bathroom to leave more options for the bathroom redesign, but from the view of the kitchen and living area it seems this may be an awkward setup. One of my perspectives that views the living area from the kitchen makes the spaces seem longer because my table and chairs are not in correct proportion to the space. Part A of this flaw, the wall behind the sink is blank. Part B, I’m not sure what to think.

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