Saturday, October 13, 2012

Aging in Place

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Considering the template – the initial ideas I used in constructing the template for my other group members seemed universal with the faded pictures of human factor and ADA guideline measurements. I oriented it the picture background pictures in lines with spaces between, but it tended to mess with the formats the rest of my group members needed for picture and text box orientation. I essentially chose a format that forced everyone to fit into my style rather than allowing for the freedom of my group members to explore their own creativity.
Next time, I won’t attempt a more stylized version of a template and focus on a more universal format.
Furthermore, I became confused with the parameters of the assignment. Upon further examination, I noticed it read more as an advertisement of the products used and how the dimensions could be considered in smaller places, so it lacked the professional feel of a true case study.
I learned that in order to create a well-rounded and informative presentation on aging in place there needs to be more visual rendering of the location, such as: floor plan with an overlay of bubble diagrams to mark flow and maneuverability which is a mathematical and essential part of ADA guidelines. From this point it would’ve been easier to establish importance of universal design with an emphasis on aging in place.
I am pleased to know that today many designers automatically include aging in place dimensions when modeling new homes effectively saving home owners the trouble of the high costs of remodeling their homes to accommodate the aging tenant.
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