Friday, July 27, 2012

Process Poster

As ideas grow in the mind of Dale Chihuly and gradually find definition so does the bloom of the orange lily. The lily draws interest into its center and warms with adaptable, curvilinear lines. The values of the orange and yellow colors unify with repetition while the contrasting, crisp new green provides striking emphasis. The seat and shelter originate from the natural curves and veining growth of the petals. The asymmetrical weave creates its own identity and value at each veining juncture. Where a simple relationship between lines and shapes remains innate between organisms of nature, the human organism implies special meaning to the orientation of shelter to environment. To bloom is to die and at this pinnacle is the height of beauty that should be shared and sheltered. An interchangeable definition of space and meaning forms the art of interpretation making this seat and shelter an apt structural element of a hospice.

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